Thread: Thank you
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Old 11-11-2009, 09:11 AM   #9
Useful Idiot
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 286
We knew we were doomed from the get go, but if it wasn't for guys like Paul, MJ, Tyler, Chris, Billy V, you can be sure it would've been a lot worse. And the numbers of kayak fishermen that showed up to these meetings was unbelievable. Private boaters on other sites are admitting how indebted they are to us kayak fishermen for representing.

Let's hope the FGC is receptive to changes in the map. Perhaps a very specific email campaign to the FGC members is in order? I mean specific geography changes. Save the "closures are unfair" type of rhetoric, I think a direct, specific, united request for a select number of changes to the map would have the best chance of any impact. Thoughts from the pros?
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