Thread: One more time
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Old 11-09-2009, 06:52 AM   #48
Bad Clone
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Based on the agenda I think public comment and the decision could come early in the day. They have had time to go over the maps for the last couple weeks and come up with opinions and decisions. I think about the only thing left for them is to make a motion and vote on which options to take, and they have to take public comment after the motion but before the vote. Like anything with the process, it is very muddy what will actually happen.

The SAT team is doing a teleconference webinar today.

Get there early tomorrow. The meeting starts at 9:30am and we are the first item on the ageda. I hope to be able to leave early to celebrate, or drown my sorrows. It might be all over but the crying by noon.

The meetign is scheduled to start at 9:30 am.

Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Note: The task force will break for lunch at approximately 12:00 p.m.

Welcome and Agenda Review

IV. Recommendations for the South Coast (continued from Oct. 22)
  1. (Continued) Recommending a Preferred MPA Proposal for the MLPA South Coast Study Region and Any Other Recommendations (continued from Oct. 22)
V. North Coast Project
  1. Process Design for Planning in the MLPA North Coast Study Region
  2. Outreach and Education Activities
  3. Master Plan Science Advisory Team
VI. MLPA Initiative Operations
  1. 2008-11 MLPA Initiative Budget Update

  1. Potential Action: Adopt revised MLPA Initiative budget
    BRIEFING DOCUMENT V.1: MLPA Initiative Phase 3 Funding Description July 1, 2008 - December 31, 2011
  2. Future Meetings for the MLPA South Coast Study Region and the MLPA North Coast Study Region
    BRIEFING DOCUMENT W.1: Future Meetings Scheduled for the MLPA South Coast Study Region and MLPA North Coast Study Region
VII. Previous MLPA Study Regions
  1. Update on North Central Coast Implementation
  2. Update on Central Coast Implementation

MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

Last edited by tylerdurden; 11-09-2009 at 08:11 AM.
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