Thread: One more time
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Old 11-06-2009, 09:10 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by habanero View Post
WTF is going on? It seems like they just keep dragging this on until we fall back in our numbers and it appears, on record, that the opposition is in agreement? I hope the indecision is genuine and our public showing is not in vain. At any rate, we need to keep up the pressure now and show that we are not a malleable group of dumb fisherman.

I'm in

I wonder if someone from Shimano is reading this post and is going to show?

Exactly, Don. I never thought any proposal would be given to the DFG "on time". A schedule for death? Wouldn't it be great to know the exact day you're going to die? Making it seem like your listening to all the people crying on the podium, while really plotting the end of fishing in Southern California takes time, I guess. This extra time enables the BRTF to look like they're at least thinking about a compromise .

It would have been great to start licking our wounds by now, but I guess they're not done sticking needles under our toe nails. It's been so obvious at every meeting, the blatant bias is disgusting. We're like a Yellowtail being tossed back and forth by Knothead...a slow, but sure death.

Unfortunetely, the BRTF isn't a dumb freak of nature Sealion trained to never actually fish anymore...why fish when you can steal fish, right? Or should I say, why go fishing when you can buy fish?

On the question about Shimano showing up: One thing that pissed me off to no end was hearing quite a few guys say "wasn't it awesome Shimano had a rep come up to the stand and speak up about the economic impact". No! Too little too late. To have one, and I mean only one rep from a major company show up at the last meeting...are you fuc#$%! kidding me? The list of major companies that should have been at these meetings, from early on, is endless. It's disgusting!

I will not cede my time and you'll be able to hear me when they shut the mic off.

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