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Old 11-01-2009, 04:57 PM   #4
Olivenhain Bob
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OK guys, I written the emails sent money to the fund and told everyone I know how important this thing is. What else can be done to influence the outcome?

While I admit more than a bit of confusion about all of this, it appears to me that option 4 of the newest maps would be the best for La Jolla with option 3 being almost livable. Options 1 and 2 will probably cause me to sell my kayak since everywhere I currently fish will be off limits.

Notice to the DFG, if I sell my kayak, I will no longer need to buy a fishing license.

This if very frustrating to me. I can only imagine how hard it must be on the heavy lifters who have fought this thing tirelessly for that past couple of years. I cannot express in words how much I respect you guys and how grateful for all your efforts.

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