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Old 10-29-2009, 08:54 PM   #4
BRTF...bought & paid...
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So all that fish may understand...

For those that may have attended some of the meetings and the whole process seemed overwhelming, and to those who have not attended but paid close attention, and the process still seemed overwhelming...this is not a time to think that some of the people who are keeping you informed are going overboard, or a bit paranoid...

It is real.

My son and I have attended numerous meetings, and we have witnessed the game playing going on...from accusing us of wearing black shirts as intimidation, only to see them hand out shirts in blue at the next meetings, to bringing in school kids who are clueless about the process and instructing them on what to say.

There are so many people that are clueless to what is actually happening, it is funny how it is supposed to be a process with "extensive public input" yet the public is completely unaware.

I suggest you look at your email database, send all of your contacts a short letter with a link, and encourage them to respond before it becomes too late. Then have them do the same.

Will closures happen in a year or two? Who knows...but remember the old adage..."Give somebody an inch, and they will take a mile."

That is exactly what they plan to do.

Too many people have invested their time, their sick days, their vacation days, and countless frustrating hours to preserve your fishing rights...

DO NOT let them down when they need you the most.

Gaffer for Clay the Fishcatcher
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