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Old 10-27-2009, 12:47 PM   #2
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I use a hand-held simply because I do a lot of outdoor activities besides fishing so it can be used for all.

Currently I have a Garmin eTrex Venture HC, works perfectly, hardly ever loses a signal and I am able to put in way points for my trips and track where I am on my rout and follow it back. I'm not sure if I'd go cheaper than this one.

I used to have eTrex Vista which had a color monitor but I lost it. I liked it better mostly because it was color although I did not really use any more features than I do on the lower grade Venture so paying the extra cost again was not worth it to me. The Vista has a digital compass which seems nice but you don't really need it unless the trip tracking is not working which probably means you GPS is not working so you wouldn't have a digital compass anyway. Buy a compass as a back up navigation device.
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