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Old 10-22-2009, 05:25 PM   #12
Olivenhain Bob
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I was online following this thing all day. My take after watching the procedings is that while we don't yet know what is going to be the final outcome, it appears that we may have dodged the worst possible scenarios. Paul was there so I am sure he will have a better perspective.

With apologies to our brothers and sisters up north, my main concerns lie with what happens in San Diego. It looks like the three options being considered for this part of the world will all leave us with some to most of our favorite fishing grounds intact. We can hope that they just adopt option 2. From what I heard, there is at least one vote to do that. The other members of the BRTF were too hard to read so the outcome is still very much in doubt.

I found it interesting that the BRTF basically told the DFG rep that they really did not care if the final MLPA maps were enforceable. Seems pretty arrogant to me.

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