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Old 10-08-2009, 02:50 PM   #7
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No new news but here is an email I got today for those who are not on the email list. Also Surfrider wrote me back thanking me for taking the time to write them such a detailed letter so they are reading them.

Melissa Miller-Henson

to MLPAInitiative, mlpa_iteam

To: Interested members of the public
From: Cathy Reheis-Boyd, Chair
MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force
Subject: Public comment at October 20-22 BRTF meeting
Date: October 8, 2009
Cc: MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group members
MLPA Initiative staff

Public comment is one of the cornerstones of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative planning process and is greatly valued by the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) to help inform our decisions. In anticipation of our upcoming meeting on October 20 – 22, and building off the recently distributed MLPA Guidelines for Public Comment, I would like to share some thoughts regarding the types of comments that are most useful to us:
·Comments directed to specific MPA boundaries, types of MPAs (classifications) and regulations are most valuable to help us make our decisions.
·Our goal from public comment is to understand why certain MPAs, or proposals, are more or less desirable than others to help us make the best possible decision. Repeated speakers with the same message of “I like” or “I don’t like” a particular proposal are less helpful.
·If you do not support a proposal, or a component of a proposal, please offer an alternative and explain why that alternative is more desirable to you.
·If you support a proposal, or a component of a proposal, please indicate why this proposal is most desirable to you.
·We understand that the limited time for individual comments often makes it difficult to convey your views to the task force. I would like to reiterate that we strongly encourage written comments be submitted to the MLPA Initiative by midnight on October 11. This will give BRTF members time to review the details of your comments. You can then refer to your written comments during the public comment period and highlight the key points. We also recommend that multiple speakers with a shared message combine their time to present a cohesive message.
·Public comment will be taken at the upcoming BRTF meeting on Wed., Oct. 21, 2009 at approximately 1:30 p.m. and again at approximately 7:00 p.m. The BRTF will assess the need and may consider additional public comment throughout the meeting. Please refer to the MLPA Guidelines for Public Comment for more details; I encourage you to take these suggestions into consideration prior to providing comments.
On behalf of the BRTF and MLPA Initiative staff, I wish to thank you for your constructive participation in the MLPA Initiative and for your dedication to California’s marine resources. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at one of the following:


Phone: 916.654.1885

MLPA Initiative
c/o California Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814

Fax: 916.653.8102, Attn: MLPA Initiative

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