Thread: MLPA Maps
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Old 09-10-2009, 05:46 PM   #10
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I find it sad that there is not a larger contingency from our boating community and I'm going to do my best to enter their world and try to build an alliance with us kayakers. I traveled by myself today and shame on me; next time I will fill my truck with boaters, wives, kids, or anyone else wiling to come. My wife would probably be willing to get up there and beg that our fishing areas stay open in order for me to go fishing and get out of her hair for a day

I saw just as much complacency from tackle shops when I dropped flyers off at over the weekend. Several of them had nothing posted at all. I asked one guy if he wanted information and his response was "I guess so" sheez. I bet when I make my rounds this weekend those same shops will be status quo.

When our mountain bike club was fighting to keep trails open for us mean and nasty MTB'rs, we aligned with all the other users, equestrian, offroad, etc; that's when we finally beat those tree huggers.

Has anyone contacted some of our major sporting companies? You would think they have a vested interest in what happens too.

I may have another week off as I get through my knee surgery so I will contact some of them for a response.

I ceded my time today, next time, I will speak so they see a new and ugly mug before them.
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