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Old 09-01-2009, 09:50 AM   #22
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Thanks er'body for all the great info.

Fishionado- Your words give me a lot more faith in my favorite knot (The UNI!) I think I must be tying it wrong. Tying knots seems to be a different ball game with thicker line. They don't seem to cinch down as smooth as say 6lb test

I'll come around to the spectra to fluoro knot's after I catch a few more fish and am more confident. I've tested the Albright, Tony Pena (or Pefia depending on who you're asking) and Double Uni and they've all tested very strong (although the Double Uni really seems to need a precise number of turns of spectra(more) and fluoro(less) depending on their relative widths, or else one will slip through the other.)

Corey- I'll be sure to always spit on my knot before applying friction or at least have someone else spit on it for me. I also like to make sure there's plenty of room before performing the "wrap around". And I always, always, always make sure my "tag end" is clean before trying to put it in the "eye hole" (innuendo wholeheartedly applied)
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