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Old 08-04-2009, 05:14 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 754
Never prouder to be a kayak angler - keep the effort going

Kayak anglers never cease to amaze me. I'm proud to count myself among your number.

Kayak anglers were everywhere at yesterday's MLPA meeting. One after another, from the beginning of the public comment period until the end, you came to the microphone to participate in the process and protect your way of life. And not only La Jolla guys, but Dana, Palos Verdes and Malibu represented too.

Your numbers were noticed, as they have been since very early in this challenge. Few groups are as vulnerable to a poorly planned marine reserve program. We could have been swept off the water, unfairly taking the full impact of the hit, but you stood up to be counted. Your efforts to preserve public access for our environmentally friendly sport are paying off!

Congratulations and a hearty thank-you to all who sacrificed a day of work or play to crowd into an over-heated meeting room. And to those who've given their time, energy and money for the cause at other times, thank you too.

You've done so much, but please don't slacken your efforts. We're in the home stretch, with only a few more opportunities to affect the outcome.

The RSG will meet on Sept 10 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles, the last time to weigh in on a map in progress and maybe move a boundary this way or that.

But you really should circle Oct 20-22 on your calendar, when the Blue Ribbon Task Force meets at the Hilton Long Beach to select the map they will forward to the Fish and Game Commission. We'll post the public comment time once it has been announced. Come strong, but please continue the respectful tone.

Thanks for supporting your RSG representatives - I can't over-estimate how much you've empowered us in these complex and difficult negotiations. You are the best. See you in Sept and Oct!
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