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Old 08-03-2009, 09:45 PM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: on the road...
Posts: 598

As an active member of 4wheelers for the past 10+years i have had alot of experience with this process and the people involved. The sad truth is that the people with the power don't really care about either sides opinion, the constitution or even the environment. They DO however care about the physical safety of themselves and their family and the more obvious drive, cold hard cash.
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Over the years I have see countless public lands, trails, and even designated OHV areas blatantly bought (closed) by private interest groups. Once again we, "the poor majority" are pitted against the "rich minority". Luckily our founding fathers being the freedom loving men that they where, knew that this was a huge problem with any form of government and gave us the 2nd Amendment. In Rome they gave them stones.

After seeing someone’s 1st amendment rights stripped from them in public commentary today when he called out one of the board members for their actions(without using profanity), I again realized how futile (under funded) our actions are. Words and letters are great but that has never won a political battle or even an election, we need leverage or money. We all have our strengths, some are wealthy, some are good writers, some are good speakers and some are good at applying good old fashion leverage. Do your part.
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