Thread: Super Rad!
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:02 PM   #11
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 698
Cool story, thanks for sharing. I caught my first yellowtail (19lbs) on my third trip on a kayak. From the internet I had taught myself how to catch bait and keep it alive in a bait tube and what tackle to use and the right knots to use and and how to present the bait and how to let the fish run long enough to mouth and then swallow the bait and how to use the drag to tire out the fish. When I finally got the yellowtail next to my kayak I had no idea what to do. I didn't know if it had spines or sharp gills or where to hold it. Ken (Katchfish) saw me and paddled over and offered to help, he told me how to gaff it and then handle it. A random act of kindness was huge for me. I've caught a few fish since then, and handed off a few beers to Ken on the water. I'll always remember my first.
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