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Old 07-31-2009, 07:44 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by dpliska View Post
At what point does the RSG stand up in outrage at comments like that?

I'm no scientist but common sense tells me that fishing and fishermen do not contribute to the loss of persistent kelp. Kelp loss is due climate change, pollution, and possibly an over abundance of urchins. Closing those areas to fishing will not produce a rebound in persistent kelp.

I've been to all the meetings that I can. I've volunteered my time and money. I've filled out numerous comment cards, sent letters, faxes and made phone calls. I've pounded the pavement spreading the word but I'm just a fisherman -and it's obvious to me, that's how I'm viewed by the BRTF. What I don't understand is why the local businesses are not beating down the doors at their city council offices demanding they oppose these closures. It seems to me that we keep on showing up to the gun fight with rocks in our hands.

I do appreciate your time and effort as well as everyone else who has contributed. I just think it's time for a different approach rather than doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
You haven't done all you can still support those of us who are continuing the fight instead of putting up your moral busting posts like this. You want to rant tell us/me personally, you have our numbers and you have our emails.

Rocks to a gun fight is not the case here at all. It's more along the lines of an M16 against an M60. But bring two M16's to the fight and that M60 will go down. There are 4 tenets of battle

1. Initiative
2. Depth
3. Agility
4. Synchronization

You must employ more than once tactic; be flexible and work them in concert. You already know the business and council approach has worked up north in PV and it works in concert with our attendance. Don't ask the question, just keep working at it with your group in orange county until it is achieved. You haven't seen the spearos/yakkers give up on our attendance at the meetings because we have chamber/council actually helps us support our stance and give credibility to our comments.

Last edited by Grego; 07-31-2009 at 04:02 PM. Reason: i spelled a word wrong bitch
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