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Old 07-28-2009, 11:35 AM   #3
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Busted again? It's impossible to bust someone who has done nothing wrong.

Originally Posted by MalibuJohnny View Post
I think what is disturbing is the heard mentality that most of you have fallen into.

If you have read my posting...its all about the photos being tampered with...and lying about it. No personal attack, no jelousy, or envy from me. I stand for the open mike, and am will to speak as well or if not better than faking a photo.

When you post on a public forum, people read your information and can respond, kindly or with the truth of what one believes.

Go get your "ghost" and get "your fill of monsters" but be truthful and honest.

Now go catch something!

Oh, it's one of the same haters that spend an incredible amount of their time, time away from their families, time away from work, time away from being productive...time away from relaxing on the ocean. For what? To try and prove I don't catch a lot of big fish, good luck with that! I'll be the first to say I'm not that special, plenty of guys know how to fish. I simply share a small portion of what I catch to inspire guys to shut up and for many, but some are a little hard headed, know any? Some guys find a strange satisfaction in trying to create a riot with no motive, maybe the goal is to keep others from cathing big fish? Is that what you're afraid of, my clients are going to catch big fish? No matter how many perfectly normal posts you flame my clients are still going to catch fish, big fish!

Unlike you, we're not fishing on the computer! I've thought long and hard what could possibly be JohnyMaliboob's motive. This whole idea that you're saving the world from someone lying about a big fish? Especially since you live a couple of hours away, are never on the scene to disprove any caught fish, and obviously know nothing about photography, or photoshop for that matter.

I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about photoshop, or computers. "For the record, I've never photoshopped a fish or the background for that matter." For one I don't know how, secondly I would never do such a thing. The extent of my photoshop skills is the red-eye feature. When that doesn't work I've learned to just put a dot of color over the eye. The idea of putting a different background on a photo is way beyond my ability and as I mentioned before has never been done on any of my photos, not one, ever. I do put a great deal of effort in making sure the background can't be triangulated, though. My posts are meant to inspire people to fish, not show them exactly where I'm catching know, protect the resource.

The great controversy from the post (ghost hunting) when I made one of my first attempts at the paintbrush feature, the simple one on everyone's computer. It's pretty simple really, the photo of the giant White Seabass was going to be used in a fishing seminar for Fred Haul. I didn't like the messy look of the crap on my cooler behind me or the sponge on deck by my rod holder. So I put a crude matching color over those objects, easy to see really, but it didn't look like a yard sale on my deck and put my mind at ease. Wow, what a terrible thing to do, painting over a sponge on deck, how can I live with myself? Anyone who knows me will tell you I also wear button down dry-cleaned shirts while fishing and my house is always spotless too, what a crime! It's tough being neat and tidy even while fishing, but it's something I've learned to live with.

At least I don't look at raw images, with zero adjustments, just a picture of a big fish, and scream photoshop out of my own jelousy. It is what it is JohnyMaliboob, it's obvious to the masses when you spend countless hours writing ridiculous flames about someone you don't know. Don't try and act like you know anything about me, you don't. It's obvious by the things you say, false accusations, slanderous comments about me selling fish. It's all completely ridiculous, unwarranted, more importantly without cause. You and I know I've never done anything to you, I've never sent you a nasty p.m. or approached you in person. Yet, you still spend countless hours away from your family, work, being productive, and relaxing time on the water to write complete lies about someone you don't know.

The old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" worries me most with you JohnnyMaliboob...I'm sure you're a great parent when you're not spending countless hours spreading lies on the internet.

Last edited by THE DARKHORSE; 07-28-2009 at 11:53 AM.
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