Thread: 7/22 LJ breezer
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Old 07-22-2009, 09:07 PM   #15
Olivenhain Bob
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Originally Posted by THE DARKHORSE View Post
Maybe the guys on the beach without a fish on deck are just practicing catch and release .
Actually, we had that discussion on the beach. When I asked a few guys what they were going to tell everyone about getting skunked today, one person came up with a great line. We have all become "environmentalists".

Truth be told, most of us have been environmentalists, with gold stars, for many years. I never keep a fish that I do not plan to eat. Last year I kept two. I have not kept any yet this year, (mainly because I have not caught much worth keeping).

Still, it would be nice to be able to say that I caught 25 fish today and let them all go. If I were to say that after today's trip, I would have to take a job in the Government, where telling the truth has a much more loosely defined set of rules.

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