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Old 07-10-2009, 08:47 PM   #18
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I could say fish of a lifetime...
rrrrright, (maybe for most guys)

I could say something about the jealous tools that always seem to chime in when you post a bitchen fish (but wait it hasn't happened on this post)

So after so many incredible fish
under so many different conditions
what the heck is there left to say?

Way to Go?
Keep up the good work?
You should start a guide service?
Thanks for sharing?

I got it!
I know how much taking a good photo means to you Josh
so here's my comment:

Thats about the best damn on the water shot of a Yellowtail I have ever seen!!!

The colors, no bend to the fish, the fish eye, no clutter, you almost look like you arn't even straining, almost can't see the clip, fish looks like it's floating in mid air....(I won't deduct points for being able to see the 4 fingers on your left hand, but don't let it happen again)

You know on second thought...
that fish almost looks too alive...
Makes me wonder if he might be a pet of yours,
Like you just whistle and it comes and jumps up in your arms...
Almost looks like he is saying:

"I hate when Josh does this to me, but it sure beats a sharp hook anyday, can I have my treat now Josh?"

Here's to you Josh The Fish Whisperer
and another for your well behaved little yellow friend
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