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Old 07-08-2009, 06:26 PM   #4
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fly rods

That was always something i wanted to do, was hook into a yellow on the fly. The one i was using for reds would be no match though. It was an 8wt. Joe, I've heard of guys going as light as a 6wt for reds, but thats ultra light right there. A 7wt is about as light as i'd go, and an 8 is a good all around rod for the reds here.

As far as chasing yellows, i've got a 10wt that would be a blast on a yellow in open water when they're boiling. Trying that around the kelp would be game over, but give me some open water where that puppy has room to run and i'd be all about it. I'd say i still have connections, not sure if he's read this or not yet though
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