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Old 07-02-2009, 06:34 AM   #8
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The irony.^

The Laguna Workshop was held on Aliso Creek, adjacent to Aliso Beach, one of the most polluted beaches in OC. The water reclamation/sewage treatment there has annual problems sending raw sewage right out the creek. Plus there's a golf course. Nothing against golf, just the amount of nitrates in the run-off from lawn fertilizers.

These were points made I (and at least Hook1) tried to get across as more pressing issues for Laguna.

I did get to talk to a Warden. Without getting into personal issues such as his pay, I did get a little testy on how the state can pay for the management of the MPA's. As it is now there isn't enough wardens just to enforce the current regs. And calling CalTip is nearly an exercise in futility, because there isn't enough manpower anyway. Another more pressing issue for Laguna and the State. ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE BEFORE MAKING MORE! Recurring problem in history.

If there wasn't a huge contingent of kayakers there (I know there was some for sure) there was at least a lot of sportfishers there as the landings (Newport and Dana) had people there.

One of the irksome things is the damn buttons. Reserve Laguna Beach. It's trendy to alter lifestyles, ruin livelyhoods and take money directly out of the economy. Prop 8 sure had them (Laguna) in a frenzy.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man and he'll eat for a week.
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