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Old 06-20-2009, 01:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by j mo View Post
I'll get this out of the way- I have never been more disappointed and ashamed by a single person in my life, not to mention the state of politics in our great nation..
I think it's interesting how people approach the MLPA process politically. Some use whatever knowledge they have about politics to try and fight for our rights and keep key areas open, others I feel just try to use the MLPA process to push their wider political ideology or agenda.

For almost a decade we've had some partisan fisherman trying to make the claim that only their party was concerned about our fishing rights, and that their party alone would help us. Their party had unprecedented power for almost that whole time period, and they did nothing help us at all.

Many of their actions worked against us. They created the largest MPAs in History (Hawaii), diverted our water from key rivers for big agribusiness (Klamath, Sacramento) which in turn killed off our salmon fishery. At the same time they did absolutely nothing to slow down, regulate, or stop the MLPA process. They also set up a second process for federal offshore closure's MPA's in motion. You may not realize it but when they are done with the near shore MLPAs they are also going to hit us with federal MPAs a process that the last administration heavily endorsed.

Now looking around... I can't see anyone from either party that has taken a strong stand against the MLPA closures. The closest would be Dean Flores (who just happens to be in the same party as the President you are ashamed of) as he's pushed for more accountability, oversight, and a hard look at the books.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 06-20-2009 at 03:06 PM.
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