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Old 03-15-2006, 04:50 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 118
You should seriously report the incident to the DFG or local news or someone. The poll takers that look like DFG have asked me if I was attacked by a dog during the day. I found it interesting they asked such a question. There is rabid debate about the danger those SOB's present down in LJ. If more attacks are reported maybe they would open season on them to help "cull" the herd. More likely some agency might build a floating dock somewhere for them or relocate them away from the beaches. Anything would be better than letting them take over. Did anyone hear about the boat that was sunk up in the LA area last year by the weight of a bunch of those bastards getting up on the guys boat. I'm sure he'd take a hunting permit.
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