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Old 06-05-2009, 05:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jim Day View Post
Yep that was pretty cool.

Actually something kind of weird happened after the public comment period was over. That I think I shoud make everyone aware of.

I stayed after all the fisherman pretty much left. I went and got a coffee then came back and was surprised to find that all the enviros had come back into the room. I saw them earlier in the lobby talking about something. Didn't see them for over an hour but they came back in at the end in force.

If I had to guess I think they strategically left then came back in force for a reason.

The speakers in the latter sections were talking about MLPA's in an enviro friendly way.

They had a MLPA expert that said MPAs are not really about fish management but habitat and "ecosystem" protection. Then they had a DFG rep from the Channel islands talk about enforcement of MLPAs talking about how existing resources DFG, Coast Guard, Park officers, could police the MLPAs.

After those two speakers were done: I left, but I now wish I had stayed. I have given it some thought and here's what I think their strategy was in staying late.

I had to guess I'd say the enviros abandoned the general comment section and left the room to give us a false sense of security. They then came back in after almost all the fisherman left, stayed till the end, and then chatted up the BRTF members directly off camera at the end of the process.

I should of seen it coming but it did not occur that that was their plan until after the fact.

It's actually a very brilliant move. No doubt one on one comments with the BRTF members will have a big impact at the end of the meeting especially after all the environmentalist friendly presentations, and I imagine the enviros also played the intimidation sympathy card and claimed they were somehow intimidated from commenting until after we had gone.

That's brilliant strategy, simply very clever sh!t on their part. I did not see it first hand but I bet money that is why they came back in at the end, so they could then work the BRTF one on one, off the record, after we were gone.

Yes they did all come back all at once and sat all around me in the back by the door. This was right after Matt and Jims speech. Wish I could have stayed longer also.
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