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Old 06-05-2009, 07:25 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by LocoKayako View Post
Jose, thank you!!! Thank you for all your support, advice and your hard work in keeping us all updated.

His name is "Joe"....just cuz your name is Jose, don't try and make him one also!

Yes, JOE.....thank you very much!

Nice seeing everyone there yesterday. I'm going to go down and support you guys at the 29th meeting in Carlsbad, plus it helps me prepare when it arrives up this way....and maybe I'll get lucky and have another chance to grab Nates ass again, he likes that

On another thread about Turfrider Foundation....they suck and to think I use to support them back in my teeny bopper days. Read a thread on the spearo board that they are boycotting their sponsors, maybe we can coordinate with them and let them feel the economic impacts even before this MLPA begins It will be tough cuz a couple of the local grinds supporting them are staple to me...."The Loft" and "Rascals" My F'n nephew works at Rascals!

What else....ummmm....oh, I call them Enviromental Preservation Extremist and then subsequently just refer to them as "Extremists" in communications, and we are the Conservationist.....I think that is what we're suppose to be doing?
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