Thread: Illegal Dolphin
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Old 03-10-2006, 08:29 PM   #4
Bad Clone
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Glad you did the right thing. Do you have the DFG number that you called? I have been tempted to call it many times when I see blatantly illegal stuff. Whenever I am on the 1/2 day cattle boats they always stretch really short bass, and keep rockfish out of season etc etc. Since I got a yak I haven't been on a 1/2 day boat. If only I could paddle to the albacore grounds.

A couple months ago in a guy in LJ paddled up to me in his yak, showed me his stringer and asked me if I could ID one of the dead fish on it. It was a very short, very out of season ling. Wanted to call that one in.

The Dolphin buzzed me last Sunday out at LJ too. We were outside around the corner drifting all by ourselves and the Dolphin came straight at us, and turned too close for comfort. Not a big issue but he did have the full ocean, its not like it has been crowded out there lately. Also not the first time this has happened with me and this boat. I have never really brought it up before becuase it seems a touchy subject.
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