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Old 05-13-2009, 12:56 PM   #12
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The sealine is a really good reel once you get used to the whole super freespool thing. It makes it super nice for throwing irons. The only thing I don't really like about my sealine is that the clicker is really soft and live macs can pull the clicker easily (but who cares right, its my jig reel). On my 40 at least, I have a 20 that I use as a bait reel and spectra and the clicker works awesome.

I really like the penn 500 for a cheap easy bait reel because it holds up and has a nice strong clicker. The penn sabre rods and all are good, but you can generally find the seeker rod for about $70, which isn't too much money (I got my 8 foot seeker american jig rod for $70 at sports authority). Even at full price that setup will be primo and will land you yellows very well.
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