Thread: LJ - 5/01
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:48 PM   #19
Work Sucks!
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Originally Posted by Billy V View Post
Don't kid yourself, I know more about the inner workings of Police than most people can ever imagine, as my office was stationed next to the Chief's Office.
C'mon... So that makes you an expert. Leave the junk out of it. You only hear the bad things which leads you to believe that's the rule, not the exception.

I too see patrol cars making lane changes without a signal, going just as fast as the citizens they pulled over the day before, not stopping completely at stop lights/stop signs (I got a video red light violation for almost $400 a couple of years ago too). But the bottom line is it's a thankless job and when we really need them they'll be there. I have also been hassled at the launch from a squad car parked on the boardwalk. I gased it on the way out so I didn't get stuck in the loose stuff where the sand meets the asphault. Cop thought I was screwing around and I explained my case. He understood and sent me on my way.

For a broken window and some stolen change they're not going to come out. Unless there's an officer around the corner they're not going to make it in time to stop anything. Why send an officer to come take a report when you can call one in over the phone. Get an alarm or don't keep anything in your car or both. I too have also been a victim of a smash and grab. Even though there was nothing in my car other than a carseat (no change, cd's, sunglasses...nada). Now I'm more vigilant and don't have any problem addressing the issue myself. You have the right to protect your own property.

And for the comment about not being happy with the service your getting for your tax dollars. Would you do what they are supposed to do for what they make? Not saying it's right to be a shitbird PO and as a matter of fact I find it dispicable. But I know it's not the majority. You want to complain about the police? Move to TJ.

You have the right to file a complaint. I would suggest you do so -Scallywag-. But I think the peanut gallery could leave out the cop bashing. Remember that Crime pays more than to protect and serve.
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