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Old 04-21-2009, 02:22 PM   #1
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
LJ 4/19 Green and Red/Starry

Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning I spent a few hours each in
search of white seabass. No luck. Greenish water with less than 10'
visibility and sunny weather with a breeze.

So I headed out to deeper water for some action, a few miles out, for a
limit of rockfish consisting of Starrys, Reds, and a nice sculpin. The
rockfish population seems to be biting for me at least. Terns were working
certain areas offshore and seagulls were picking at spots of krill on the
surface. Some big marks on the meter, so I threw iron around for awhile
but por nada.

On my way in, about a mile or so offshore I spotted a kayak in the strong
North wind (gusts 15 mph+) and strong current and chop. Three guys on
a tandem with two paddles, drifting southwest, fast. They were very
reluctant to ask for any help, but luckily they had a 10 foot rope onboard.

I sensed that they were tired, and "done fishing" : ) .....

Kicked the pedals into gear for the next 45 grueling minutes and I towed
them all the way in to Big Rock beach for a safe landing. They'd launched
at Hospitals, from the rocks thru the surf, and seems like they would've
ended up way outside of Point Loma by Monday morning.

Lifejackets? No... Radio? No .... Not even sure if they had a phone. Oh my.

This is one of the nicer Starry Rockfish I've ever caught in LJ. Check
out the kayak article in Pacific Coast Sportfishing this week for info on
catching these responsibly. Please send a letter in support of our fishing
rights if you haven't.


Bonus Pic from Easter Sunday, 3.8 lb catfish on a bobber/mealworm and
the trout gear. The girls were too scared because the drag was ripping,
so a ten minute battle on 2# line was all "Daddy". Santee Lakes.

Larry. Hobie Revolution 13.
25 years of kayak fishing La Jolla.
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