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Old 04-03-2009, 09:13 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 45
Full Disclosure: I'm a Hobie dealer and a long-time Hobie kayak guy...

That being said I'm also a big fan of lots of other kayaks and try to look at them without too much bias. I'm not a big fan of the current Propel system from Native. It's a good idea to try and compete with Hobie for the pedal-power market but the rotary pedal (like a bike) system forces you to raise your legs really high relative to your hips.

Secondly, the hull design they are using is still too closely related to the canoe and not the more traditionally flat-topped style of the sit-on-top kayak. For flat water this would be fine, maybe even better, but in the ocean it's going to be a lot tougher through surf. The waves have more edges, corners and volume grab on the Native.

It can go backwards, though, and that's cool.

I really love the Hobie Mirage system, kind of like that old commercial: I loved it so much I bought the company (dealership)

I'm also a big guy, 6'4", 220 and the Hobie Revolution is my boat. It's almost as fast as the Adventure but drier, rigs well for fishing and of the 3 brands of kayaks we carry in our shop it outsells everything else by 5:1.

If you can find the Propel then get a demo and let us know your thoughts, do the same for the Revo, Pro Angler and Outback. Good luck!
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