Thread: Ghost Fever...
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Old 03-25-2009, 08:17 AM   #1
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A picture is worth 1000 words

Originally Posted by Chicken Dinner View Post
I am always up for a good riddle. Josh has not only landed a toad but two. One legal take and one illegally as defined F&G. F&G calls it illegal take but in layman's terms we call it poaching. Josh you may have 15 buddies that support you magnificent release but lets think about. Often times seabass are not that hearty. Lets not give more reasons to these yahoo environmentalists to shut down our fishery. You post on a public forum your kayak in prime seabass area with a toad on the back still fishing the same secret method that you used to kill the first one. Your intend is what matters. Where you fishing for yellowtail or halibut of trying to get some footage of you in action?

Oh wait a minute I heard you were catching bait... That makes sense. Anyway you are the only one that knows if you were poaching or not. I would just recommend not posting it to the world in the height of people trying to take away all of our fishing privileges. Being a steward of the ocean is what it is all about. If you truly honor the fish you take you should have the integrity to do things by the book.

Back to the riddle.....

Attachment 1062

Attachment 1063

Guesses on Josh's crazy secret methods????

I think he uses a white towel attached to a dropper loop on 65lb red cajun spectra with a green dacron topshot tipped with a bushel of garlic.

Other thoughts?
:confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Can you or someone explain these photos? They do appear to be “fixed” or “tampered” with. Common now didn’t we learn from the last guy?
ffice:office" />
In our lives we try to fine a group or herd to belong to. We as humans need to feel that sense of relationship. Like the “mid-life” biker who during the week is an accountant and on the weekend a “bad ass biker” I guess we can get caught up in our “fame” of which we create!

I don’t doubt the talent of the angler…in fact I think its way to much self created “fame”
At the end of the day we all hope to catch the big one…it’s OK if you don’t too.

Fishing is fun and I do it to relax with my kids…go back to keeping it simple; don’t congests it with un-truth and Photoshop!
Malibu Johnny
must catch fish
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