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Old 03-19-2009, 03:58 PM   #1
LocoKayako's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 91
Matt vs Sandies 3-15-09

Took my nephew out last sunday and tried to put him on some fish. Grego and Rick (Matt's dad) joined us on our adventure.
We ended up launching the yaks around 7-7:30. I was thinking it was gonna be really cold, but suprisingly, it was decent. On our way out to the fishing grounds, I towed Matt behind me and told him he had to help me paddle so we could get to fishing quicker. Once we got there I untied Matt.
We were on our way when I started seeing some activity on the FF. Told Matt to cast out and see what was under us. Aboiut Matt's third cast, he says "I think I got something." Then he's bendo.

We drifted off the spot and we paddled back together. Then he was on again.

On again:

And again:

One of Matt's fish:

On the way back in, I towed Matt half way and had his dad take over.
Fishing was followed by lunch of course. On the way home Matt tried to stay awake but finally knocked out.
Matt had a blast for sure. Next we hope to make Andy's Newport event.
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