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Old 02-16-2009, 11:37 AM   #12
Olivenhain Bob
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I emailed a version of the "letter" to all the City Council members. Two messages bounced back for having bad addresses, (I used what was posted). Only Sherri Lightner bothered to acknowledge receipt of the message.

My experience with City Government is that most of the decisions on issues being brought to public meetings have already been decided prior to the public meeting. The meetings are mainly to make the public think that we have some input on the decision making process. There is money already budgeted to clean up the CP and rebuild the Lifeguard tower. The Lifeguards speak as if it is already a done deal.

I would be surprised if any minds will be changed at this point but it certainly won't hurt to have a few reasonable people at this meeting who support our point of view on this issue. Most of the FOS people are semi-nutcases, (remember the tatooed guy with the huge fishhook stuck in his skin?). Even the roughest of our group will come across as reasonable when compared to some of our opponents.

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