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Old 01-23-2009, 05:00 PM   #16
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I wouldn't go so far as to say we're fooked, but the budget situation is something of great concern.

All the press release is saying, is given the state's financial woes, the funding necessary for MLPA related research and MPA enforcement has been either frozen or never budgeted. In light of these developments, the Partnership for Sustainable Oceans, of which the Kayak Fishing Association of California is a member, is asking Governor Schwarzenegger for a meeting to discuss the issue.

The MLPA calls for adaptive management of MPAs. Periodically, the MPAs are monitored to determine if they are serving their intended functions. If not, they can be altered or removed.

Here's the problem. Without baseline data completed prior to adoption, there's no way to determine if new MLPA-created MPAs are effective.

Further, some of the canceled research was meant to help site the new SoCal MPAs required by the law. If it is not resumed, we could be acting less on science and more on guesswork.

New MPAs may have a major impact on the state's sport and commercial fisheries and other related activities, all of which contribute to the state's struggling economy.

There's no money to publicize or enforce the new MPAs. The estimated state-wide cost is no drop in the bucket, it is some $40 million per year, money the state doesn't have. That's a problem; they won't be effective if they aren't properly enforced. Personally, I'm concerned the budget freeze will be used as an excuse to justify MPAs at public access points that have other, readily available enforcement such as lifeguards, state or national park rangers, or docents working for the adjacent aquarium.

I hope the message you'll take from the PSO press release is that your fishing advocates have their eyes on the ball and will act accordingly.

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