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Old 01-05-2009, 07:15 PM   #15
T Bone
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Definitely get your daughter out fishing.I dont really have the perfect setup for taking her,I just paddle with her in my lap and then she sits on the "Humminbird compatable" part of my Big Game.So far it works,but she is very little at 42# and I am going to have to figure out something different soon.
I fished as far back as I can remember.My grandfather and dad fished with Bill Poole on the origional Polaris.My dad had a CC growing up and we fished all the time.My dad thought it was funny to hand me a rod with a 40# albie on it when I was 7.Before it was all over I was crying but got the fish in with him helping to hold the rod at the end.We went to Cat. so much one summer my Brother and I jumped off and explored the Island all day.I found a Ram skull and a bunch of Abolone shells.Fishing memories are great memories.
I remember a few years ago when I was thinking about getting a kayak,I remember A guy taking his little boy out to LJ and handing him off a firecracker YT.That would be awesome.
Barachit Baralah,Elohim-In the beginning,God-Genesis 1:1

"Who among you,if your son asked for a fish would give them a serpent " Jesus Matt. 7:10
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