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Old 01-04-2009, 08:10 PM   #38
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 260
I loved this version. It allowed for a much larger group of BWE members with other priorities to participate, while still giving odds to those who put the time in to find that certain fish, as is shown by the victor who not only won by points, but probably doubled the on the water time of even second place as well.

I didn't get to fish too much this year, but I have to say my favorite fish of 2008 had to be the 78 pound mud marlin i got under the coronado bridge. No pictures as it was a solo mission but had a buddy in a boat get a weight for me. But definitely a fun night and a memorable one. Kept getting up in the pilings and I'd have to paddle away in free spool and throw it in gear and pull to get enough leverage to get him out. Once he was in open water I got him up and laid him on the deck and he had a wing hanging over about a foot into the water on each side.the trident has a perfect deck to bring up big batray like this onto their stomachs and have them face you. the flat surface of the rod pod keeps them safe and calm, and I can get my hook out of them without getting stuck. Further more, sliding the beasts onto the deck when your 6 inches from the surface isn't very stressful on them and you can slide them right back in just as easy.
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