Thread: PA17 issues
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Old 08-08-2023, 06:24 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by PapaDave View Post
The steering line on my PA17 broke, we were out about a quarter of a mile. Luckily I was able to use the peddles/Bixby and the paddle to get back in.

It also took on a massive amount of water, so much that it started to lean to one side. I've had this issue before and I've tried filling it up, close inspection, even filled the hull with foam but nothing has fixed it on a permanent level. Since I now have to take that foam out to replace the steering line I'm wondering if anyone out there know how to find/fix the leak.

Aside from not putting foam in the hull in the first place, does anyone have suggestions on how to take it out without using a shrink ray on myself so I can climb in?
I've found pesky leaks with soapy water and running an air hose at the drain plug. I'm not all that familiar with the layout of PAs but many hobies have these liners that guide the rudder lines into the hull. If those become detached from the hull that can an entry point.
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