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Old 12-21-2008, 04:00 PM   #1
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Gaffing Ettiquette

With so many new members on the board lately, I think it would be beneficial to go over the proper etiquette for gaffing a fish. Gaffing a fish is not just a way of securing your prize; it is an age-old tradition that has been going on for centuries. Every sport has its traditions that are included in each event. While not exactly necessary, the roots of these traditions are as important to the sports as any other aspect. Some examples of these traditions are: boxers touching gloves, the seventh inning stretch, and the pseudo-attempts at gaffing. The proper and most polite way to gaff a fish is to take three wild swings at it before actually gaffing it. The first three swings are mostly tradition, and they are mainly used to make the fish feel like it has a “sporting” chance. It is generally accepted that on the fourth attempt, you can actually gaff the fish, but some chose to take more attempts. Hopefully this bit of history provides some insight to new and old members, so that you can more fully enjoy this sport that we all love so much.

On a side note, I went out of Dana yesterday. Weather was lovely. I caught 3 fish in about 10 minutes, and did not get a bite for the next three hours. Thanks Steve (Forefrazier) for the OTW shot.

14 Lbs

5 lbs. Thick, But Too Short

The Calico that though it was a Halibut

The video

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