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Old 04-18-2022, 03:07 AM   #2
Sea Hunter
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Your post reminds me when I was in current and in the fog .

My Salas x jr really had a wide angle on it, drift fishing off la Jolla.
Once you get around the corner in la Jolla the current really takes you and I was headed south. After fishing a few the fog the whole time, I ran across another guy and ask him if he new where he was and he said no.I said I have a compass mounted on my kayak center console and we better head east. After padding just under an hour east still can't see land and we are in 10 to 15 ft on water. I look over my shoulder to the left and see brakers. So we turn around and get in a save depth and head north finally the fog lifts and we can see the crown and hotels. If nothing else at least have a hand held compass if you kayak in the ocean and bays. You got to back up anything electronic battery powered that can fail. That app your talking about is new to me I'll have to look it up.
There's times in the ocean when you cannot tell north east south and west with out mechanical aid
Duke Mitchell
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