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Old 04-07-2022, 06:43 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
And funny you should ask, the past 2 times in a row that I've fished around DP Harbor, I had this pelican riding on the back of my kayak. First time he chilled there for about 2 hours. This time it was about an hour since we just fished the harbor at the end of the trip. He got VERY comfortable back there trying to figure out how to get into my livewell... Pretty sure it was not same pelican, but it's fun to think it was. My buddy and I nicknamed him "R2-D2" lol. Of course, it's all fun and games until he takes a fat dump right into the rudder lines(he did).
LOL - Sounds like R2-D2 has made a new friend!

Originally Posted by AlwaysFishing View Post
Got a few Egrets on my yak right after I got bait from the bait barge in Dana Point. They didn't stick around too long though.
Looks like the hitchhiking Egrets got a free meal!

Originally Posted by MITCHELL View Post
Of a black widow spider 🕷 I had on the brim of my hat off la Jolla, it went right across my eye sight on the brim of my hat, startled me.
Good thing you did not get bit! Right before boarding a boat in Panama, a 2-inch spider jumped out of a tree and bit me on the neck. Fortunately, it was non-poisonous, but It was still a concern that I could have had an allergic reaction as we were heading out to sea for a week of fishing. Thankfully the welt subsided the next day.
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