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Old 02-17-2022, 02:08 PM   #11
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Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Originally Posted by jruiz View Post
I see alot of reports of folks catching bait, fly lining bait or trolling nomads or some other diving lure, and blanking out saying the fish must not have been there. I know the majority of the kayak fisherman fish this way at LJ. It's an effective way to catch yellowtail most times of the year but sometimes it's not. I guess my question is do you guys ever change it up? Try a dropper loop at the bottom? Yoyo over marks? Catch squid on a not so secret squid bite? Or just say, you know what I'm just going to target halibut today?
Yes to all the other choices. Dropper loops, slider sinkers, etc., I haven't used squid in a while and it's even better when it's caught fresh there. Dropped and tossed several jigs, but in the end some of that just becomes more WORK and as fishing has been slow even using the other methods, I choose to just drift at times to relax. Other times I troll a lure, just cause it allows me to cover a lot more water faster , while searching for better signs on the FF. Everybody has their own methods and I prefer to just enjoy the day when the fishing is slow. There is just no place I can relax as much given my age I can't play sports, snow skii, or hike like I used to and being on the water is a blast and even though the Solo Skiff doesn't have the power my stand up Jet Ski had, it's almost as much fun. Just can't do all the free style tricks, I used to love to do 30+ years ago.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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