Thread: VHF Radio
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Old 02-13-2022, 09:59 AM   #7
Gflann's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: San Diego
Posts: 59
Really good discussion point. I’d consider the vhf radio pretty important right after PFD and being dressed for a possible water immersion event.

Best part is the auto playing of Ch 16. I’ve been out before and been able to hear a “special” marine weather statement for small craft advisory that wasn’t active when I launched. Great time to head back in even if it’s nice out. I’ve ignored it once and got my butt kicked all the way in by white caps. Had to pedal from. Children’s pool back in. Almost thought I would roll it a few times. Worst part was I was the only one out there so if I had rolled and became separated from my kayak, a distress call would have been my only chance at getting rescued.

Never going to ignore that broadcast again. The whole way in I was thinking how stupid I was for getting myself into that situation as I was mitigating white caps and following seas.
Vibe Shearwater 125 (Tsunami Red)
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