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Old 11-08-2021, 06:57 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by daperrin View Post
Are there any places off limits to kayak fishing between Dana Point and Newport? I heard something on the news yesterday that some places still had a ban on fishing but not sure who it applied to. Thinking about fishing DP this coming weekend. Thanks!
Unfortunately, it's all pretty much closed from just North of Huntington Harbor all the way to just South of the San Onofre domes and 6 miles offshore. This is the latest update I know of:
With the most important line referring to the reopening being: "Based on current lab projections, the earliest the fisheries closures could be lifted is late November, assuming analyzed [seafood] samples are below the threshold level of concern. "

The CDFW's Twitter page has the most accessible information:

The CDFW has a dedicated Spill Response twitter account as well:

Here's the map of the currently closed fishery(last amendment on 10-7-21):

For info the Seafood Sampling process, here's the link they shared:

Hope this info is helpful. I've been keeping an eye on this every day, and I know I'm not the only one!
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