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Old 09-17-2021, 03:37 PM   #10
Dwight Schrute
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 5
A lot of information!

Originally Posted by MITCHELL View Post
Works good, motor oil single tail grubs
And all of the above he said.
Just go with the tide in or out and scrape the bottom two poles paddling slow with the tide. I got a 32in halibut with a lead head twin tail chartreuse sitting in a pole holder on my back pole in the elbow of the bay. What's most important is a big movement of water 💧in the tide because the clams on the bottom open up to feed and the fish eat them. I have caught big fat spotty pooping 💩 in my lap and spitting out clams. When the tide was going out I would launch at tidelands and go all the way to the midway ship and cross over the bay and come back the other side with the incoming tide. Always check the tide and go with it. If you launch at shelter island go out to Zuniga jetty with the tide and come in with the tide. Good luck tight lines is no joke.Some guys like to drop shot on fish I always like covering alot of Water and sight seeing just watch it in the channel keep your head on a swivel for ships. Had the hellacopter come down one time and help push me out of the way, if ships have nuclear on board get way back. You will be greeted by the navy security if you get to close to somewhere your not supposed to be.
Being an Arizonan, I have a lot to learn about water movement and tides.
Thank you very much for the insight.
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