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Old 08-27-2021, 09:00 AM   #1
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Posts: 532
Halibut: Tide, Moon, Temp, or Time?

I've been doing a lot of halibut fishing for the past few years. For a while it was just lots of pounding sand any chance i have. Then my buddy was telling me how he logged BFT bite conditions and found a pattern. I have somewhat of a log as to when i caught fish in the past. according to my logs...

Time: when there is sunlight.
Tide: after a low tide, as tide fills in
Tide type: very minimal low to high (less than 3' water movement)
moon: not full or new moons as they have larger tide swings
temp: water temp 59-68 have all bit. although 61-63 seems best for larger fish as it kind of matches with their spawn season.

Has anyone ever tried to see any consistencies or patterns with halibut bites?
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