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Old 08-11-2021, 02:57 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by BenCantrell View Post
Hey John, question for you... if you're trolling a small lure like an X-Rap 10 or 12, would you use a wire leader? I'm guessing the answer is no, but if you get bit off, then add wire to the next lure you put on. Curious what your thoughts are though. I keep a pack of silver 12 inch 30 lb wire leaders in my lure box, but I haven't been using them.

I'm replacing all the trebles with Owner 3x inline singles. Next big fish that nails one of my trolling lures is going to stay on!

In other news, a shark expert from FSU says the ones I caught are indeed spinners.
Ben your guess is correct. Most of the time I don't use a wire, since wires usually mean less strikes. If I do put one on, I use 40lb AFW 1x7 surfstrand tied with a figure 8 knot. I use an 80lb spro swivel. Spro makes much smaller swivels, but if the diameter of the swivel ring is smaller than the diameter of your line, there is a risk of the knot cutting on the ring.

Be super cautious while unhooking fish on multihook lures. The temptation to grab the fish and unhook it by hand is great, but all it takes is one wrong shake of the fish to find the one free hook in your hand. Best to use pliers.
Congrats on adding Spinner Sharks to your life catch list!
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