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Old 07-16-2021, 05:18 PM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Los Angeles
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Thanks for the encouragement to do more reports like this.

The fish handling is an important part of these trips, so this is as good as any time to go into detail on that for everyone who wants to know.

The after catch: Usually once we are at the dock, the captain makes big fillet of the fish. It gets put in a large tub and it is transported to the lodge. There the skin is removed and it is cut to smaller portion. I think they remove some bones too. Then fillets are vacuum packed and fast frozen. The fish gets divided into four and put in boxes. The last day the special boxes with some insulation are labeled with angler’s name and transported to the airport. Each not weighing more than 50 lbs.

All this is included in the package price.

Upon checking-in with the Alaska Airlines staff, they charge the appropriate fee and put a tag on the box. Angler gets a receipt for each box.
The fish travels with you to the final destination, providing you are staying overnight before the final destination.

Last year, I was not sure I could fit my luggage and a box of fish in Camry which my wife drives. Thus, I asked them to ship it. Big mistake. After sending to the wrong city, it went back to the lodge and finally arrived in LA. It was still frozen, so I was relieved.

This year, I was taking with me two boxes already before the Saturday catch and the big fish. The manger told me they could have it ready before I leave, but it could have been (3) more boxes. He said he could ship it. So far I have not received it. The excuse is the lack of phone signal at the lodge to call me. Yet he texted me to tell me the signal issue!!!!

There is a chart that estimates various weight of Pacific halibut. If the length is 72”, the live weight should be approximately 196 lbs. The dressed weight (all none edible sections removed) should be approximately 147 lbs. The big fish would be processed same as the smaller ones.
According to the manager (if I heard right) there should be another 28 lbs. in addition to the big fish.

Here is a post I made after last year’s trip:

I hope I answered the question.
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