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Old 05-23-2021, 03:03 PM   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Menifee, CA
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For me, weather. Despite forecasts of decent wind/waves, it can be very different in real life.

Last Sunday a guest and I hit Dana Point, forecast indicated it would be cloudy with a light wind. I wish, the wind was blowing fairly decent and it was raining. We went out anyway, got about a mile down the coastline, was actually catching some bass for a change, when I looked out to the west and saw a wall of whitecaps heading towards us. We turned tail and hauled butt towards the harbor, that little Bixby cranked all the way up. About halfway back the wall hit, wind waves were about four feet and several crashed over the front and side. We were in a PA17 and were getting tossed around like a cork. Was a bit on the concerned side, but we made it to the harbor and drifted around there for a while.

I've seen GW's many times out there, they seem to come around to check me out. They don't bother me, I guess 17 feet of plastic isn't part of their preferred diet. I keep an eye open for boats all the time, and whales, had one come up unseen about fifty feet to the right and blow, jumped about two feet out of the seat.
So long and thanks for all the fish...
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