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Old 04-19-2021, 07:31 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 428
LJ Mixed Bag 4-18

Left home at 3:45am to launch solo just before grey light at La Jolla. Planned to make bait then troll around and drop an iron on any marks that looked interesting, hoping for TY or even an elusive WSB. Couldn't find the greenbacks, but had a handful of Spanish pretty quick. Threw one on the carolina rig and started peddling. Cruised all over, making it nearly out to the 3-nautical-mile line at one point. Never really saw the big marks that I was hoping for, but the iron was apparently appetizing for other things like bass and even a decent whitefish. Ended up with a really nice Sheephead that did a good job of wrapping itself on the kelp. Managed to land it though (thanks to the 40lb fluoro leader). Surprisingly enough, the sheephead bit on the 7-8" spanish mac being trolled with the carolina rig. Sucker must've been hungry!

That was the highlight of the day. Caught fish pretty consistently with the yoyo setup all day. Ended up being a lot of fun, even if the morning wind sucked and the surf on the landing was rough(and not to mention a ZOO).

Totals for the day:
Sheephead: 1
Sandbass: 3 (largest 18")
Calico: 4 (all undersize)
Whitefish: 1

Everything was catch-and-release. Sand bass were caught in about 140' and were floating. Had to use the descender to help them back down.
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