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Old 04-17-2021, 05:41 AM   #1
YakDout's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: San Diego
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LJ 4/16 Dawn Patrol in Search of a Home Guard

That’s a real one! You can get away with more drag on your kayak then you can on a boat or fishing from shore etc. Reason being your kayak is moving through the water whenever the fish isn’t exactly straight up and down, thus lessening the drag on the reel. I’ll start at 1/3rd of the line class to set my drag. So if you were fishing 30lb, I would have it set to 10 which is double what you had it set at. I’ve lost too many nice fish to sea lions to have it dangling around for longer than need be.

Also the more line you have out and the longer the fight goes, the better chances those big home guards will break you off in the kelp or on a reef. They’re smart fish. They’re the little 6lb rats that started offshore and survived on the SoCal coast by being the best predator possible, and by avoiding predators to them.

That’s one hell of a nice fish. Any yellowtail over 30-35lbs is MEAN. And fight til death. They don’t give up like seabass.

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