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Old 01-17-2021, 08:07 AM   #3
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
Posts: 2,639
Yeah the whales are cool when they are around, but a little scary when they get real close. It's the second time I've had one wrap my line. The first one was on Dec. 31, 2013 and it was a Grey Whale as big as a bus and he was coming right at me for a long distance. He ended up going under and coming up along side around 20'-25' to my left and I got it on video using my cell phone. Pulled some stills from the video and all the barnacles on it's back are visible and when he went down and the fluke was straight up and down, the picture shows my 65 lb braid coming off the top of the fluke and running diagonally across the picture and out the right margin.. That's one of the coolest picture that I've gotten out at LJ. Here is a link to my utube video post at that time. The weird click click noise is the shutter on the other camera I was using along side, but that video was not as good. I had my sunglasses on and could not see the screen so the video is not as steady as it could have been. . .
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Last edited by FISH11; 01-17-2021 at 12:51 PM. Reason: Added pict.s and spelling
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