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Old 12-03-2020, 12:01 PM   #19
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Thanks Chris!

Yeah I'm on a little Echomap, and I definitely watched your vid on settings more than once. I didn't even know about the real-time metering until I'd watched your videos and that's made a huge difference for reacting quickly as something big shows up on screen.

I am definitely dialed in on certain things like knowing when I'm over a school of calicos, bait balls, etc.

It's funny bc I think there's a conventional wisdom from the old schoolers who never even had GPS, uphill both ways, in the snow, without mirage drives, saying to get your nose out of the screen and watch the water for conditions....

I feel like this approach almost requires a level of commitment to keeping one eye on the screen so you're ready to go at a moment's notice and get the bait where it's supposed to be in a very narrow window of opportunity.

Something I've always been fascinated with is how people became effective without just randomly dragging a bait *prior* to all of this technology.
I remember getting out to one of my rockfish spots and having my battery go bad on me with just enough time to triangulate and hold the structure blind for about an hour... It's pretty wild nowadays to imagine *finding* those spots blind, a mile off shore as well.

I'm wondering if, aside from when the temp makes surface fishing viable, there's a way to read the water much at all aside from guess work and current.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
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